How This Faceless YouTuber Earns $2000/Month

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How to start a faceless YouTube channel in 2024, AI Search Tools

Timing. It’s the single biggest reason why start-ups succeed according to the famous TedTalk by Bill Gross.

It’s also the reason Sam quit his full-time job to work on his side hustle, AI Search Tools, full-time (more on this later).

It’s a faceless YouTube channel that helps educate you on AI-news and the latest tools.

Within eight months, Sam has grown his channel to over 50k+ subscribers.

How does it work? How much does he make? And how did he grow so quickly?

A lot of people are wondering the same thing. In fact, the term “Faceless YouTuber” has formed new peaks in popularity every single month for the past 8 months.

faceless youtube growth

While Sam makes 10x less than he did as an employee, his growth can’t be dismissed.

A year into growing his channel, Sam has:

  • 55,600 subscribers
  • 500k+ monthly views
  • $2000+ in monthly revenue

And it’s continuing to grow rapidly.

The speed at which AI video content is advancing is incredible.

But that doesn’t mean bad content will lead to success.

If you haven’t heard, OpenAI’s recent release of Sora is the latest peak into the future of AI-generated video.

From Sam’s story, we’ll see that growing a YouTube channel requires commitment to a niche, proper research, consistent upload schedules, and have a clear monetization strategy.

How Sam Grew His Faceless YouTube Channel To Over 50,000 Subscribers In Less Than A Year

Sam is the owner of AI Tools Search, the Youtube, and AI Search, the website.

Originally his plan was to grow his website using his SEO skills, and funnel them to his YouTube channel. But when his Youtube channel started growing exponentially, he switched his focus to the videos.

His niche is simple: Educate people on new AI tools and capabilities through entertaining videos.

Each week he publishes 3-4 videos.

And his work-ethic is driven by a desire to take advantage of this rare, life-altering moment in history we’re witnessing together, where technology presents new opportunities.

Sam said, “there are certain points in history which only occur every few decades, that offer huge growth and opportunity. The Internet boom in the late 1990s was one of them, and I think that we are in one right now with the AI explosion.”

Why it works

When one of Sam’s first videos has 1.2 million views, he earned over 10,000 subscribers from a single video.

It’s obvious – everyone and their mother have been talking about AI for the past few years.

But it’s too noisy in the AI space. It’s saturated. Good quality educational AI content is hard to find.

If you’ve checked Twitter, you know that new AI startups are created everyday.

Instead of trying to be first, Sam takes a different approach.

“There’s one key thing I learned from doing YouTube and it’s that you don’t have to be the first to be the best.”

Sam’s unfair advantage is using his SEO and research skills to come up with video ideas. He’s good at finding content gaps, targeting AI topics searched often, but don’t have much available content.

By capitalizing on low competition, but high-search volume topics, Sam has found a way to work smarter while stay relevant to his niche.

Starting costs

One advantage of a faceless youtube channel is that you don’t need a fancy camera.

Instead, Sam decided to invest in high-quality audio equipment to narrate his videos.

“It cost about $120 to buy the domain and $500 for a good microphone and video editing software. Everything else was free.”

Content Strategy & Skills

Sam’s uses two tools to research video ideas that will get views:

  • VidIQ – Used to find trends, transcribing audio, and look at other successful YouTubers and how they are talking to see what words they are using.
  • YouTube analytics – To look up specific topics that have a content gap

Sam also looks for viral YouTube videos that were created by creators with low subscriber counts.

“A lot of it is analyzing other YouTubers, analyzing similar channels, and especially looking at videos that have a lot of views but don’t have a lot of subscribers. Why is that particular video topic getting so many views, even though that person doesn’t have so many subscribers? There’s an imbalance in the algorithm.”

From here, it’s just trial and error.

Sam cringes at the first videos he made, but after making 100 videos you’re bound to improve.

Time investment

Sam spent about 8 hours a week building his AI YouTube channel back when he worked a full-time job.

Now he’s a self-proclaimed workaholic who spends his mornings and nights building.


Through YouTube Adsense and affiliate marketing links, Sam earns over $2000 a month through his YouTube channel and makes over 80% in net profit.

“It took about one month [to earn $500 a month] when I started seriously doing YouTube in July, 2023.” grocery money newsletter

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