How Cassindy Went From Finance Executive To Charging Clients $20,000+ As An Asian Matchmaker

Cassindy Chao matchmaker side hustle turned full time

Cassindy Chao • Published November 19th, 2023


Cassindy Chao

CEO, Ancient Wisdom Modern Love

Asian-American Matchmaking

From Piedmont, CA

Side Hustle Started Spring 2013

Full-Time Job

Investment Banking Goldman Sachs

CFO at Tech Startups

Full-Time Business In 2023



Hours Worked Per Week


Revenue Per Month






Startup Cost


Years Before Profit


Main Growth Strategy


Net Profit Margin

Table Of Contents

Working As An Investment Banker + Matchmaker
Hi, I’m Cassindy! I’m a former investment banker and finance executive who left it behind to become a matchmaker for Asian-Americans, and wrote a best-selling book to help people find love.
I started my side hustle as an escape from doing what I really enjoyed in life—bringing people together.
Nobody believed me when I told them that I was bad at math and that I myself would never hire myself to be the CFO of a company despite having worked in finance for 10+ years at Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc.
Matchmaking was interesting. I matched over 100 people in college at the Wellesley College Asian Association Blind Date Semi-Formal and I never forgot what fun I had and the delight in meeting people with various outlooks and backgrounds.  Fast forward: raised three kids- then in 2016, I trained with one of the most renowned matchmakers along with 17 other people from around the world. Nobody thought this could become a 6-digit/annum side hustle/career, yet here I am!
Becoming A Matchmaker

How did you get started as an Asian matchmaker?

It germinated from a college party and me serving as the party’s social chair. I loved connecting people. It became a viable side-business when I saw an article about a woman who ran a successful dating business and I reached out to her about it.

I trained with another matchmaker and slowly started growing the business.  Some lessons learned along the way – avoid “profitless prosperity”.  As Asian-Americans, we’re generally hard-working and taught to be humble, which can mean that we undervalue our work and contributions. I’ve learned to assertively say no and to recognize and demand the compensation I deserve.

I’ve also seen successful Asian-Americans generously reinvesting in their communities, which has been inspiring. It has also become a personal goal for me to achieve financial success while supporting causes closest to my heart. My 89-year-old father did that—despite being orphaned, he thrived, and for 23 years, he has managed a scholarship program for his hometown village.

First Steps To Starting

What were your first steps in starting a matchmaking business?

The journey has been a continuous process of so much learning, leaning in, and boosting my self-esteem, especially as I navigate the challenge of charging more for my services. Learning how to actually sell myself.  I squirmed and self-sabotaged all the time.  But I try to talk to myself, understand why I do this, and just stop it. As I accept my own quirks, my voice grows, and I’m happier and able to “sell,” knowing that there is no other matchmaker with my credentials, empathy, and deep database of candidates. Recognizing this, I’ve adjusted my pricing to reflect the worth of my expertise.

I was once told – if you are paid by 3 clients one price, then it’s time to raise your prices.  Sometimes, I’ve just closed my eyes and blurted out my rates and then am gobsmacked when it’s accepted. And it just makes me want to work harder.

Growing Your Clients

How do you get clients? What's your marketing strategy?

Referrals—it’s infectious.  Anyone talking to me knows how much I love my job. I feel blessed to be doing work that I enjoy so much.

LinkedIn is a terrific source, as I work with my contacts in banking, tech, and education.

Social media ties back to my friends and family all knowing about me. Another AAPI professional, Victor Cheng, who runs the influential Case Interview channel, gave me my first break. I did my very first podcast in 2023.

And then that is now leading to more…

Cassindy Chao IG Live
Cassindy Chao FOXcast CEO ceries

Recently in October, I launched a bestselling book – Ancient Wisdom Modern Love: Chinese Wisdom for Dating Success.

This tapped into advice my own parents gave me growing up, which I ignored but then found so funny and share now with my clients.  Phrases like Tigers Head/Snakes Tail teach people to not give up and don’t overpromise and underdeliver.

Cassindy Chao matchmaker amazon best seller
Cassindy Chao matchmaker amazon best seller
Revenue + Earnings

On average, how much do you earn from your side-hustle each month?

When I was only doing it as a side hustle the earnings were sporadic. Anywhere from $0 to $10k per month. After exploring it as a side hustle and thinking about the business dynamics, I made the move to dive in and go full-time 13 months ago, and I’m not looking back. The journey has been incredible, and I’m amazed at how far I’ve come.
Startup Cost + Tools

How much did it cost to start you matchmaking business?

A lot of training and branding, which cost about $75,000.  I am always continuing to invest in myself, my training, my branding, and my business. This includes setting up my CRM, my database, my social media, and personal training.

Matchmaking Lessons & Advice

Would you recommend becoming a matchmaker as a side hustle? What tips do you have?

Get training. Everyone thinks they can be a matchmaker. The Matchmakers Alliance is a terrific resource. There are some fly-by-night groups that will take your money, so buyer beware.

Avoid profitless prosperity. When three customers pay you one price, it’s time to raise your rates.

Advice to myself: be my own authentic self.  No more trying to fit in.  That was so stressful.  I am naturally a bit spontaneous and quirky—not particularly eloquent or elegant—but also engaging, trusting, and very enthusiastic and warm. I like to keep that part of me.

Cassindy chao matchmaker's alliance
Training Picture of me - 2006 when I first trained up with matchmakers
About Your Full-Time Job

Before quitting your full-time job, what career did you pursue?

I used to work full-time in corporate. It paid well, my parents were satisfied with it after I showed them that a career in science was not for me, even though my Mother knew that my soul was hurting.  I like the stories that numbers tell, but I hate organizing things/sorting, and bucketing information properly. I’m mistake-prone. Banking seemed like an attractive path with nice pay, extensive travel perks, and the experience of living in Hong Kong. But ultimately, it was disappointing and I gravitated towards the human side of things.
Career Lessons & Advice

Would you recommend working in corporate finance as a career?

Yes and no. It is very worthwhile, but it demands some time and dedication to grow and develop. Building a substantial database is essential, and the process requires unwavering dedication. Success in this field hinges on a commitment to continuous learning, active networking, and a constant focus on building and expanding.

Where Can People Find You?

Where can we find you?

You can join her Asian matchmaking database for free at her website below. To work with Cassindy’s tailored matchmaking service directly, you contact her through her website form below.

Website: Cassindy’s Matchmaking Service

Purchase Cassindy’s Book – Ancient Wisdom Modern Love: Chinese Wisdom for Dating Success

LinkedIn: Cassindy’s LinkedIn