Why I'm Quitting My Tech Job

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Yesterday, I put in my two-week notice at my job.

Exactly one year ago, I started working my first corporate job in tech sales.

I’ve always known that jobs don’t make you rich.

So I came into this job with a game plan. My goal was simple – buy myself a window of time to build:

  • one-year (minimum) in cash savings
  • A small passive income machine earning at least $1000/month

Then go back on the offensive and build a business.

In February, my niche website (goodwilloutlets.com) brought in $1722.04 in net earnings from display ads and digital product sales.

And practicing a frugal lifestyle (cutting my own hair, thrifting clothes, etc), on top of a small savings from pre-corporate side hustles, has allowed me to build an 18.5 month cash savings based on my burn rate.

I’m sharing this because I’m excited and confident. Anxious, yet afraid—a similar feeling from six years ago when I launched my e-commerce business.

In fact, up until the night before sending my resignation letter, I doubted whether this was the right move. But by chance, I received a call from my parents.

Dad: “Hey…so you already put in your two weeks notice?”

Me: “Not yet. I’m doing it tomorrow.”

I started hinting at my self-doubts and immediately got interrupted.

Dad: “Hold on, your mom wants to say something.”

For the next few minutes, my wonderful Taiwanese mother reminded me of things I already knew:

  • It’s normal to doubt yourself
  • No one is ever ready
  • You can always get another job
  • You’re building something that can help people. Focus on helping people.

It’s a great reminder that the most effective advice isn’t the new stuff.

Big risks become obvious risks with the right support behind you.

I’m grateful for having supportive parents who believe in my potential.

With that said, today’s story features PJ Sherman, a man who launched a profitable service-based business just three months after being let go. Here’s how he did it.

How PJ Started A $3800/Month LinkedIn Optimization Business Three Months After He Got Fired

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When to know to quit your full-time job sidehustlestories.co

PJ was “made redundant” in November 2023.

Three months later, he’s running an agency that helps business owners turn their LinkedIn into a lead generation machine.

You’re probably wondering: How did this happen so quickly?

Like most overnight successes, the foundation was built in months, not days.

PJ spent months helping people improve their Linkedin profiles and CV/resume for FREE.

People got insane value from working with him. But he wasn’t charging them for his services.

So when he got fired, PJ did something brilliant.

He took his free service that had proof-of-value and used it as a lead magnet to his high-ticket offer.

Still interested after the free audit? Buy a custom 10–20 document analysis that breaks down how to optimize your LinkedIn content’s organic reach, write in your brand voice and expand your presence.

Why it works (5 reasons)

Lame offer: “Social media growth to increase sales”

PJ’s offer: “Linkedin optimization for business owners to drive lead generation”

Put simply, PJ chose a niche backed with a clear benefit.

Second, his lead magnet is a snippet of his best stuff.

But not all of it – just enough to nibble on and crave more.

Most lead magnets suck. And your lead magnet is often people’s first impression of your value.

Third, PJ did his research. Sure he offered free LinkedIn and CV/resume audits for months, but in exchange he knew what potential clients wanted and the problems they faced. Bingo!

Fourth, LinkedIn organic reach is booming.

These days, people scroll through Linkedin like it’s Facebook from 2014. It’s still an underrated platform to post content, build an audience and grow your personal brand.

Starting costs

PJ spent close to nothing to start his service-based business. Just a domain name, and web hosting got him started.

Another reason why agencies are among the best business models to start making cash quick!

Growth strategies & skills

PJ’s growth came from organic LinkedIn and referrals.

His unfair advantage comes from his copywriting skills and LinkedIn know-how.

This is what helped him create an offer for these two types of customers.

  • People look for jobs (laid off, pivoting, etc)
  • Businesses want to turn organic reach into sales

Since he built a reputation as “the LinkedIn guy”, he was able to leverage this to quickly get 10-15 paying customers who paid him $250 each when he initially launched his offer.


PJ reported that he now has clients on retainer! In addition to his other one-off services, he’s earning £3,000 a month from his business (~$3800 USD).

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